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    The new decoration of the home, fluorine machine or water machine?


    For the decoration of the new home, some people recommend the fluorine machine, while others say the water machine is good. So is it better to use water machine or fluorine machine? The editor can only say that each has its own merits. The key is to find the right one according to its advantages and disadvantages. After all, the right one is the best. This article gives you a comparison from multiple angles for your reference.

    1. In terms of energy conservation.

    The water machine is superior to the fluorine machine, especially when the larger the house type is, the lower the end opening rate is.

    2. In terms of safety.

    The bubble top risk of the water machine is lower, the pipeline connection does not rely on manual control, is more streamlined, and the leakage risk is lower.

    3. In terms of timeliness of response.

    The fluorine machine has no intermediate medium, and it directly exchanges heat through Freon-air, which has better effect of quick cooling and quick heating.

    4. In terms of comfort.

    The fluorine machine uses Freon as the medium, and its specific heat capacity is small, resulting in large temperature changes and large indoor temperature fluctuations, especially for the elderly, children, or patients with cold and other sensitive groups.

    In addition, the fluorine machine uses large temperature difference and small air volume for air supply, which leads to uneven indoor cooling and heating. It often feels extremely cold at the air outlet and extremely hot at a distance. The water machine uses small temperature difference and large air volume for air supply, which makes the air supply more uniform and wider.

    5. In terms of health protection.

    During heating in winter, the large temperature difference and small air volume of the fluorine machine will lead to low indoor humidity, "hot and dry" feeling and dry skin.

    In addition, the water machine can also be used with floor heating to create a "warm foot and cool top" temperature gradient indoors, which is more in line with the thermal comfort needs of human body.

    6. In terms of maintenance convenience.

    The water machine adopts standardized prefabricated connecting pipe fittings and valves, which are easy to replace. The parts of the fluorine machine are integrated or welded, which is extremely difficult to maintain.

    In addition, the main machine and end of the water machine are highly independent. If there is a problem at one end, it will not affect the use of the other end. The main machine and end of the fluorine machine are not independent. If there is a problem at one end, the whole system cannot operate.

    7. In terms of service life.

    The theoretical service life of the water machine and the fluorine machine system is 15-20 years, but the independence and compatibility of each equipment and component of the water machine are strong, and the end or host can be completely replaced in the later stage.

    However, the host and end compatibility of the fluorine machine is poor, and different brands and different models of the same brand cannot be matched, so it is difficult to realize the later transformation.

    8. Finally, in terms of cost.

    The system complexity of the water turbine is higher, the initial investment will be slightly higher, but the energy saving is strong, and the operating cost is lower, that is, the longer it is used, the more money it will save.

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